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The familiar understanding of the domestic increasingly fails to fit contemporary ecological and cultural realities. Housing bubbles and new technologies of labor are upending the macro- and microeconomics of the home. New possibilities of interaction among generations and genders are being negotiated in spaces designed for the tidy norms of the nuclear family. Persistent urban homelessness, systematic racial segregation, and periodic refugee crises are reminders that not all homes are safe and stable.

Ecopolitical disturbances inscribe themselves on domestic space. Upheavals in the domestic realm, in turn, reverberate through the economy and the environment. Friction at the boundary between the domestic and the foreign (between inside and outside, private and public, local and global, tame and wild) creates a complex and contested threshold. This year, Lunch explores the ways that we make ourselves at home.

Luke Harris
Laurence Holland
Kaitlynn Long
Julie Shapiro
Dillon Wilson

Image by Ronan Bouroullec.